The Cheapskates.
Location: Norita
Situation: Indecisive about food... we really didn't feel like eating, just felt like taking a nap there. Until we saw the picture of the choc fondu.. except we didn't want the fondu, we just wanted the wafers.
Jelli then pushes the button without warning to call the waiter and pretends to fall asleep so I'm left to the wolves (the waitress).
Waitress: Hi, can I help you? :)
Me: *flipping through the pages of the menu to find the fondu picture* Hi... um... is it possible if we could.. uh.. just get the wafers?
Waitress: The wuhfes?
Me: Um.. the wafers?
Waitress: Yes the wuhfes.. Umm.. I give you two wuhfes. Because.. *chuckling* I don't know if have enough.
Me: TWO?
(At this point, I don't think she knew I wanted a whole BOWL of wafers)
Waitress: Yes, I can give you two for free.
Me: ..How much is that?
Waitress: Two wuhfes... :)
Me: Oh for free? Ok. Thanks
Jelli (to me): Order something else! Can't just get free stuff!
Me: But I don't want anything else!
Jelli: Get the drink!
Me: I don't want the drink though!
Jelli: Can I get the Lemon Iced Tea? Thankyou
Hahaha saved.

That is all.
Today Jeaneline and I got free food from Lennys work (visited and also to give the debut invite), then went to Rouse Hill.. with Jeanelines soccer mum car, in the pouring rain, to go buy Gaytime Krushers from KFC.. where we also got free food from one of Jeanelines friends working there. Gave so much, we got so full.
Moral of the story: Food is good. Free food is even better.
Had my first Gaytime Krusher today. Delicious!
Haha yeah that was my first time too. I agree on the delicious part :D I still wanna try mango flavour..
LOL, epic win (Y).
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