Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Case of the Clueless Asian Lady

I'm not one to complain, but when it comes to helping randoms, there has to be some level of sanity from them. Today as I got off the train from central, I walked towards the stairs going down heading into the tunnel. At the top of the stairs was an asian woman wearing the ugliest pair of green pants my eyes have ever seen. As soon as I approached her, this is what happened:

Asian woman: Hey! Excuse me, could you please walk me down the stairs?
Me: Yeah sure.
Asian woman: Hold my hand please..
Me: Um... okay..

At this point I'm holding a complete strangers hand, not her arm or anything, her hand. At this point she pauses and I'm standing there in limbo holding this womans hand. People walking past me kept looking at me. I was getting impatient so i asked her:

Me: Um.. the railings right there. Do you need help?
Asian woman: *no response*

She then walked down the stairs, not even holding onto the railing. WTF? (edit: Maria: "She's just trying to hold your hand"). Got to the bottom of the stairs, thinking I was free from the awkwardness, I let go of her hand.

Then she began demanding me to hold her hand again. People behind me knew she was a stranger to me, and I still did what I thought was right.

Asian woman: Hold my hand.
Me: (thinking) um wtf, I am holding your hand.
Asian woman: TIGHTER!
Me: um.. okay.. (crying inside)
Asian woman: yes... tighter...
Me: Um.. are you okay? Do you need help? (I thought she was depressed or something)

At this point I began looking around at the people around me, or at cameras, thinking I was on some hidden camera show. She began doing these squats or whatever, the sort of stance you have in primary school when you're busting to go to the toilet.

By now, i thought she needed to go to the toilet. It was scary.

As we approached the ticket barriers..

Me: Uh.. I'm kind of in a hurry..
Asian woman: (pausing in 2m in front of the barriers) Walk me to the barriers.
Me: Uh okay...

I walked forward but she wouldn't follow (still holding her effing hand). Then she let go and ran for the barriers. To which I then ran away to avoid her at the other end.

PS. Maria is funny and likes to bake cookies.


Saturday, October 24, 2009


Because Tim suggested this... I included the banners I used, didn't use and plan to make.

Banners that I've used on my blog (in chrononological order)

My personal favourite (hot air balloon).

... and so begins the bananer peel project.
Yes, I'm aware the text slightly changed from the first to second one.

Banners that didn't make the cut.

Um.. was trying to convey the transition from adolescence to adulthood. lol.

(Jasmine, shh)

Works in progress/Concepts/Ideas/Stuff

Couple of random stuff

The banner I made for my clans forum a couple of years ago. lol. Back when we used to play competitively. Yes, interesting clan name too. We were all a bunch of idiots, and we still are. Funny dudes.

Haley Williams, random.

The Xanga backgrounds I made are a different story. Its where I began actually using photoshop. I think that was back in 2005 or something. Then came myspace, and I got a bit better I guess. I hope to get even better in future because... Young Workers poster competition is now being held every 2 years. I should've promoted mine more to get more votes. Hahah. Oh well, I tried? 2010, here I come!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Want.

The "I wants" are like an incurable infection. Its contagious, and it won't go away. Hearing about dreams makes you want some of your own, but before that you begin with the little things. Can you honestly say that after achieving your wants that you are 100% completely satisfied? There are but 6 things on this list that I can confidently say will make my life complete.

I'm aware that as we grow, so does this list, until we reach that threshold of satisfaction. But until then...

I want a new computer.
I want to excel in uni.
I want those clothes.
I want to meet Story of the Year.
I want to feel giddy.
I want Story of the Year's new album.
I want more of You.
I want to get rid of my lazyness.
I want a room makeover.
I want COD: Modern Warfare 2.
I want you.
I want a car.
I want pop rocks.
I want to understand how the world works.
I want to go sky diving.
I want to go quad biking.
I want to be successful.
I want to be able to pay off my uni debt.
I want a Disney marathon.
I want to go on an adventure.
I want to feel like I'm dependable.
I want to be less of who I am, and more of who I aspire to be.
I want to do/see the things on my "places-to-go" list.
I want pez.
I want to go to Jamberoo.
I want a future/career I can enjoy.

I DON'T want to start over again.

To be continued... or maybe not.. I think that's all.

Edit: Jasmine brought to my attention the ad about the Jesus: All About Life campaign. I saw them set up around the city and I see the banner around schools I go by, and so I went to check the ad on youtube. I think this entry is so fitting, along with the section starting at 0:10s (Shoes, Jas? HAHAH.)


Monday, October 5, 2009

The Cheapskates.

Location: Norita
Situation: Indecisive about food... we really didn't feel like eating, just felt like taking a nap there. Until we saw the picture of the choc fondu.. except we didn't want the fondu, we just wanted the wafers.

Jelli then pushes the button without warning to call the waiter and pretends to fall asleep so I'm left to the wolves (the waitress).

Waitress: Hi, can I help you? :)
Me: *flipping through the pages of the menu to find the fondu picture* Hi... um... is it possible if we could.. uh.. just get the wafers?
Waitress: The wuhfes?
Me: Um.. the wafers?
Waitress: Yes the wuhfes.. Umm.. I give you two wuhfes. Because.. *chuckling* I don't know if have enough.
Me: TWO?

(At this point, I don't think she knew I wanted a whole BOWL of wafers)

Waitress: Yes, I can give you two for free.
Me: ..How much is that?
Waitress: Two wuhfes... :)
Me: Oh for free? Ok. Thanks
Jelli (to me): Order something else! Can't just get free stuff!
Me: But I don't want anything else!
Jelli: Get the drink!
Me: I don't want the drink though!
Jelli: Can I get the Lemon Iced Tea? Thankyou

Hahaha saved.

Direct linked. I will wait till someone tells me off. I love ice cream cones. I love plain pasta with no sauce.

That is all.

Today Jeaneline and I got free food from Lennys work (visited and also to give the debut invite), then went to Rouse Hill.. with Jeanelines soccer mum car, in the pouring rain, to go buy Gaytime Krushers from KFC.. where we also got free food from one of Jeanelines friends working there. Gave so much, we got so full.

Moral of the story: Food is good. Free food is even better.
