Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Headed some place new

"Walls" by All Time Low was my top song for some time because it gave me the encouragement I so damn needed. Same with "Dare You to Move" by Switchfoot. I was telling myself, "Okay, this is it." It was either, don't and regret, or do and regret. Why I had to give in to external factors is beyond me. I'm confizzled?

"I don't mind spending everyday, out on your corner in the pouring rain."

Well anyway, I bought another shirt today from Glue. I like it, everyone else liked it, so I bought it. At the moment, my threadless shirt is a temporary pillow cover because its a tad too tight. I'm pretty sure this method will stretch it too, right? Correct. Of course. Or I could get someone fatter to put it on. I have plenty of candidates there.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

All or Nothing

I've started a tumblr.


I don't know. I think I'm still going to update this from time to time. Man, I still update my xanga one every now and then and that is like 4 years old or something. Anyway, lots of things happened, lots of things not happening. Long ass hours spent on MW2 with Ivan, Thien and Jason, and my other friends. After a week and a half, I've racked up 70 hours or so. Compared to L4D, that is fast because my total playtime on L4D is ~480 hours over the course of a year. Hell yeah? ...

Twitter and tumblr. Btw, Jay Seans album rocks my socks off.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Roach and Ghost Die, and Shepard too. There, I just ruined MW2.

Wakari masenka?

Okay, now today I did something drastic. Do I regret it? Perhaps, perhaps not, most likely not because it was a burden to me for a while. Although... I don't know what I'm doing now or what I'm meant to do... or what I should do.

I don't think I have the worst luck here, I'm also not an idiot, I also don't think I'm deserving of anything, I'm not doing anything wrong either, so why do I lack results?

Who. Knows.


The situation:
You've just got off the bus and you are on your way to meet up with someone, or even catch the train to reach that end of the rainbow. Everything's riding on your shoulders, you're making great time to beat the meet-up time, the winds in your hair, and you feel like nothing can stop you now. Nothing... until... your pace breaks. What was once a steady stride to your goal has now been turned into a turtle-paced lead boot marathon, caused by none other than the completely ignorant slow walker. Oh how quickly my disrespect-o-meter rises when I'm behind them.

I don't get these callous characters. They're either individuals, or they walk in packs. Packs that can't be avoided. Walking at their own pace with no respect for the appropriately speeded walker behind them. hahaha. I understand if they're walking with someone, but alone, they're nothing more than a walkway hog. The escalator rule should apply to the walkway lol.




Thursday, November 5, 2009

Minesweeper Bonanza

Recently I've been getting addicted to minesweeper. 100 games later, I had a gut feeling that this game would be the one to finally get my first win on advanced, so I took screenshots.

Great start. I clicked randomly hoping to open up a few big ones. hehhh.

So far so good..

Getting there.. 38 mines left to flag..

Okay, by now I was stuck for a bit because I couldn't find where I could open up next..

Until I found the bit on the top, and now all thats left is the guessing part. HELLO, NERVOUSNESS. (Disregard the time I have taken)



My pride and joy.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Awkward and the Damned.

I am, of course, referring to awkward conversations that lead to a dead end, as this is a topic I've mentioned to people and confronted people with doing. I've had my fair share of experiencing them, and I've also done it to others. Conversation killers, I call them.

I can almost feel as if I'm leading myself down a dead end, stuck in a conversation that will undoubtedly get me that very important sensation of feeling bored, not interested, or simply with just nothing else to reply with. These things require special actions and reinforcement. What used to be a topic of agreeable awesome standards can now be hindered with the undesired result of 3 simple characters:


The motherload of it all. It prescribes the shutdwn of a conversation. In some instances, it means the writer of the 'lol' wants to move on, or simple doesn't have anything better to reply with. On the receiving end, one abruptly discovers theres nothing more to respond to, and thus ends all.

Awesome Storyteller: So Paranormal Activity was such a scary movie. OMG I was so freaked out by the end, I almost have skid marks on my underwear. What did you think of it?
Awesome Replier: lol
Awesome Storyteller: ...

Or even replies like "yeh", or "nup". As Amanda Bynes said in She's the Man, FLOW IS FLOW. AND YES I DON'T MIND CHEESE. I've heard it been said before (can't say who said or received, because it sounds harsh either way): "Learn to keep it flowing, you suck to talk to."

I noticed I've done a lot of this to keep it going, and that is asking questions, to the point where I've taken the role of an interviewer/interrogator. I guess its better than the awkward silence. Which brings me to my next topic: awkard topics.

These convo's just warrant a "lol." ending. Questions need not apply, because after the who, what, when, where, and hows are over with, its just done.

Unless of course there is humourous appeal to it, in this case, I am going to end with this awkward topic I just encountered and prompted me to do this entry:

(name hidden to avoid embarassment)

bobthebuilder says: hey man. i want let something off my chest but promise you wont say anything
adrian ! needle and haystack says: yeahh what sup
bobthebuilder says: i did a poo
adrian ! needle and haystack says: .........
bobthebuilder says: it came out as pebbles
adrian ! needle and haystack says: LOL
bobthebuilder says: hahah
adrian ! needle and haystack says: what the eff!
bobthebuilder says: it means i have not enough fibre
bobthebuilder says: it has to be cigar like
Take note, the person saying this is a girl, and goes against all male belief that:
  • Girls don't poop
  • Girls don't fart either


PS. This post is dedicated to Nicholas. haaaa.