Thursday, July 30, 2009

Draw My Thing

Depressing to hear, but I can't grasp the fact uni has started. Not ready. I need to get myself in the mood. I don't know how .. but maybe after the coming weeks, I'll be init(2winit). Subjects I'm undertaking this semester:

  • Applications Programming
  • Network Design
  • International Marketing Analysis & Strategy
Applications - I'm happy I'm with friends in that, same with International Marketing, although not in the same class as anyone in the latter. Network Design... I don't even know WHAT to expect. So I'll see how I go.

Watched Ice Age 3 with the Jobo. It was either that, or Hannah Montanna Movie. Tempting, although we stuck with Ice Age 3. There were quite a few scenes that made me chuckle, in particular the laughing gas/helium scene. Loved it. Not quite as good as the first one, but definitely better than the 2nd movie. I took home the 3D glasses and tried to find video clips where I could use it. They're so useless because apparently you need a Real-D screen, or whatever. I wannna put them to use!!

Anyway, lately I've been watching Gossip Girl (to which I have now finally finished) and playing this awesome game called Draw My Thing. Its basically like pictionary. You meet some pretty cool/funny people and the games are a lot of fun. :) Its just interesting to see how peopel interpret some words, or drawings rather.

This was the drawing someone drew... can you guess what it is?

This is meant to be Harry Potter.

Also saw that last Wednesday. Dumbledores gay remarks = full of funny. Overall the movie was great, but not as great as everyone says in comparison to the other movies.

kthxtry(again next time)