Flying off the Grounds of Uncertainty
I had a meaningful entry drafted about failing plans/planning but I think I'll save that for later.
New blog banner. One I actually didn't make (except for just adding the text), and its from the trailer of Peter Jackson's adaptation of the best-selling novel by Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones.
I haven't read the book but damn, it looks amazing.
Anyway, was at uni yesterday to do some study and make some inquiries about my enrollment. :) I got much study done. Met up with Lenny, who was with Derrick, who were both writing their letters to the Dean. Their case is dragging on for too long, so good luck to them. James and Thien came soon after and we just chilled in the labs till they left for the Start of the Semester party.
One thing that we played was a brain game on Facebook, appropriately titled "The Brain Game". It addresses the way we process visual information in order to create a visual model of the world.
This is the image that had me frustrated to the tip because I couldn't get it to spin the other way as the other guys could.
Right vs Left Brain - Which way is the girl spinning?

What this actually is, is a two-dimensional image just moving back and forth, but our brains interpret it as a three-dimensional model, hence why some people can see it going anti-clockwise, others - clockwise (Yes, I did my research).
Left Brain people see it going anti-clockwise, Right Brain thinkers see clockwise.
Thien, James and Lenny could see it going both directions, except they had no control over it. MINE JUST KEPT SPINNING CLOCKWISE.... so unless they were just bs-ing me ... then I'm a heavy right brain user.
I looked up the differences and here they were:
uses feeling
“big picture” oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can “get it” (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking
uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies
There it is, the last two definitely acknowledge the differences. Although, this image isn't a justifiable test to actually identify your personality (obviously). It really just describes how we approach the image and subconsciously break it down. Its a fun game though.
After all that, had Pizza Hut buffet (again!) at George St then headed home.
EDIT: I worked it out. If you were stuck in clockwise-world like I was, just look at the reflection at the bottom. Her foot sticking out makes it look like shes going anti-clockwise.
Hi Adrian,
I'm one of Lenny's friends and I read your blog.
I used to hate that spinning image, but now I can see it spin both clockwise and anti-clockwise and control my way of seeing it.
I think the trick is to focus on the hips and that small upside down v where the legs meet. You have to try and tell your brain that it CAN go the other way. Not really tell it to GO THE OTHER WAY, but THAT IT CAN. It puts lets pressure on your mind, imo.
I hope you see it anti-clockwise :)
LOL. I tried what you said, staring at the image for a good 5 minutes. I took one glance at the shadow/reflection and the bottom and thats what actually helped me. I think I just found the cheating way.
But at least I was able to make it go anti-clockwise now. Thanks for your help!
adrian its so CRAZY
ps i liked your previous banner
hi hawiiaan
this hurt me and wendys eyes
u will pay for surgery
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