Chinese Hickey Doctor at the Garden Buffet
Random banner is random. I think every few days (ok who am I kidding, maybe weeks) more of the banner will be lifted open. Hahaha. Or not. Anyway... since it was suggested we blog about it.. here is my take on last Thursday...
Last Thursday was the day another teenager (term used loosely) bit the dust and found themselves in the ranks of the 20 year olds. It never actually hits you, and you do feel a degree of denial because if anything, the teenager years define the most awesome times of your life (minus the whole school thing). It was Lenny's 20th birthday.
Anyway, the day start at around 10:00am when Lenny came to pick me up to go to Blacktown station. I shouted him his train ticket (bar 60c) and then we preceeded to catch the train to Wynyard. We had some Taboo games for the whole trip, and along the way Jasmine calls to ask about Lennys present. I think i did a pretty good job of trying to keep the convo subject subtle since Lenny was sitting right next to me. We reached Wynyard to meet up with Jasmine, then business Tim came shortly after from work.
For lunch we ate at the Altitude Restaurant at the Shangri La Hotel. The actual restaurant was situated on the 36th floor, which was actually the highest you could go and the view was ama-za-zing. The food was equally as nice. They had a range of seafood and meats as well as chocolate fondu and other assorted desserts that I dug my teeth into. During the meal, I must've ate the most mushroom I've ever eaten in one go. Took 1 glass of water to wash it down but it was worth it.

Towards the end of the lunch, we handed over his present from General Pants then took some photos. The restaurant staff also came out with a little surprise of their own and brought out two cupcakes with candles and sang happy birthday. That was not planned either, but they must've heard us sing happy birthday and so decided to bring that out. Would've been funny if we were singing that for fun on another day, and they came out to sing that. :] lol
After that we headed to Botanic Gardens to go and relax for a bit before leaving. Said goodbye to Tim at central then headed back to Jasmines house for some strawberry cheesecake. It was delicious/scrumdidlyumptious. Got dropped home after that and finished off my assignment.
11 pages of awesomeness, and 1 day of celebration.
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