"You Effing Hoe!"
Today must have been the most random, and nostalgic days ... this week. I see a lot of bogans catching my bus every now and then, and more specifically at Blacktown.
I went to Parra today to catch up with Jelli and since it was an awesome day out, we decided to take a walk along Church St. Along the way I got stopped by a GreenPeace supporter (Jelli, don't think I didn't notice you hurry off as soon as he approached me), and he asked for "10 seconds of my time". So then our convo went like this:
GreenPeace dude: Excuse me buddy, can I borrow some of your time? It'll only be 10 seconds.
Me: Oh really? Um.. sorry but..
GreenPeace dude: (interupting) C'mon, it'll only be 20 seconds, I'll just ask you a few things.
(me noticing him changing from 10 seconds to 20)
Me: Uhh.. ok I'm timing you.
GreenPeace dude: (laughs) You're timing me? Ok. (fiddles with his watch) How many whales are killed in Japan every year?
Me: Um.. 100...
GreenPeace dude: Thousands, thousands are killed. How many are processed and stored in.. (something - forgot what he said)?
Me: Um... a thousand..?
GreenPeace dude: 2000... close enough. Now how many do you think are stored in Jumbo jets for importing? (something like that)
Me: Um.. 5!
GreenPeace dude: 12! I'll give you that.. (flips notepad) Now what can you do to help this situation?
Me: Umm... I don't know..
GreenPeace dude: :) Join GreenPeace
Me: Oh, uh we've gotta be somewhere at the moment, we're going to the.. uh... theatre... to watch a show...
GreenPeace dude: Oh thats okay! I'll walk with you :)
Me: Oh you don't wanna do thaaaat, its a bit far.
GreenPeace dude: Yes I do, I'll walk with you!
I walk off, and he's walking with us (persistent guy).
Me: lol umm..
GreenPeace dude: Haha so how old are you?
Me: Oh, yeah 20
GreenPeace dude: Haha okay.. um close enough...
Me: Yeah you gotta be 21 for that don't you? Hahaha.
At this point he gave up. The proper thing to do would have been to ask my age BEFORE giving me a whale quiz. Although it was a bit fun... if I was playing for candy or something.
After that, we walked on to the spot along Church St (with all the shops, near the library), near the fountain, where people can perform music. A dude with a guitar and pre-programmed drum beats was playing, so we sat down. Immediately, we noticed the presence of bogans singing along to his songs. They were freaking me out, seriously. This 50 year old one just starting headbanging like crazy yelling out the lyrics. Another one in front of us was singing along to it, with a beer in her hand, and she randomly yelled out "YOU EFFING HOE". Jelli and I were like wtf... then an asian family sits next to them with a toddler sitting next to the bogan... she grabs the toddlers right hand and starts making her dance, she kisses her hand for some reason and then proceeds to puppet the poor child.
The guy performing then changes songs, and a random old asian man who had been sitting there quietly for some time, suddenly gets up and dances. LMAO He had all the moves, it was so hilarious I wish i recorded it all. :D
Anyway, after that we headed to Oporto's to eat, and their CD playing in the background was so frekaing awesome. 9/10. It was ALL songs from the 80's and 90's! Savage Garden, N'Sync, Boyzone, Michael Learns to Rock, Richard Marx, Ronan Keating, Starship.... we sat in Oporto for close to 2 hours just catching up with that playing in the background. It was great. It brought back memories of the 90's.
The past few days have had perfect weather, I'm so glad I didn't start uni this week. Botannical Gardens was awesome with Jason, Billy and Jasmine. Relaxing there. Just chilled and played card games and had a running race with Billy - to which I lost.
Have I taught you nothing at all !? Always pretend you're in a phone call to evade such situations !
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