I heart.
Well... after 2 weeks(ish) of neglect, I shall blog again. I honestly can't remember what happened in the past few weeks, except for Khaye and my bro's birthdays, and then Ivan's.
The day before that though, I think I went to the city with Lenny and Jeaneline to hang. I got my LEE hoodie (thanks to Jasmine's eyes for good finds) and then had lunch at Meat, Wine & Co. Their pasta (on special) sounded VERY APPETISING so that's what Lenny and I ended up getting. The verdict? TASTES LIKE EVERY OTHER DAMN PASTA. $25? Really, MW&C? Really?
Anyway, the next day (23rd May) my brother and Khaye joint their birthday and held an event to raise money for cancer (courtesy of Australia's Biggest Morning Tea). We went to Mars Hill Cafe @ Parra for some fun and games. We played Jenga and pictionary. FUN X 10000. Our team was coming second, but the birthday team clearly owned it in the end. :] One of the funny things was when an old lady came and asked us if we were a "computer club" LOL.
Ivan's birthday was that night so met up with Jasmine @ Btown afterwards, and then Tim @ Sevo, and then Billy, Thien + the rest @ city. It was a series of unfortunate events. Except for Burgerfuel, and maybe a bit of Pav.
3rd June, 2009
Up until now its been assessment after assessment. But its all over, and to celebrate, we all went drinking @ Glasshouse for some celebratory times. T'was good fun.

"Who are we to judge the alcoholic, or the prostitute, or the addict, or the criminal as if we are any better?"
visiting all the landmarks would be the best thing in the world.
as soon as exams are over im going to go on the biggest blogging spree of my life.
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