Floating in the sea of Wrong
The purpose of speed drawing is to capture the gesture of a subject quickly. Now, speed drawing within a time frame of 2 minutes - brings a whole different outcome. Subconsciously, it becomes a task where people either tend to focus on the quality and the details, rather than the time frame (this is where the real pro's stand) and even if I said to "draw as much of the picture", this should still stand... ON THE OTHER HAND, it becomes an attempt to get as much of a picture in, because ..well, to put it simply - we're all assclowns who feel the need for closure.
Now, I asked 9 people to draw this man (citation needed):
I wanted to see who used what tool, how much they got done, and just how good their skillz were in MSPaint (or photoshop, whichever).
Looking at the outcome, the results varied. I asked for the black superman! Half of them look like the bastard child of a 6'2" black pedophile and Ronald McDonald. One of them just looks like death.
Anyway, the first paragraph is just bs, I did it for kicks ....and some laughs. Without further ado, these are in no particular order:
I could easily pass this off as the most typical of adolescent drawings. I can't quite call it a rush job, or a job that had the effort either. And nothing says eff off more than STD infected lips.
Drawing Age: 5
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you coloured it in with the picture underneath it. This immediately came off as the most accurate (until I saw Lenny's), and those eyes... seriously?
EDIT: ok you told me you didn't cheat, but lol this is pretty close then.
Drawing Age: 14
Jelli (stupid bitch who got her friend to do it)
What I noticed about a lot of these drawings so far, is the lack of shoulders. Wonkipated nose, and the only one to put the spraycan to use. Helmet hair ftw?
Drawing Age: 12
Anyone ask for Superman dressed turd? As the only one who probably used photoshop, this wouldve been cooler if it was finished. BUT I LIKE. Makes his hair actually look like hair. But still.. this is turd.
Drawing Age: 16
Who knew drawing with straight lines could be a work of art. It's too bad this doesn't showcase it. HAHA JK. His 'S' symbol screams Sex Whore, not Superman. Fire-engine red lipstick doesn't help. And wheres his neck? Is that a cape or a black tie? Or his arm? Third leg?
Drawing Age: 8
Um.. it almost looks like you drew all this with one line. Contour art... at its finest? Debatable. But damn thats one hell of a chin. I don't know what else to say. I suppose you could classify it art.. to an extent.
Drawing Age: 2.5
Trust Gordon to do the wrong thing here.
"oh, :\ i thought it was our interpretation. HAHAH well dik... cz well he looks like one" - Gordon
Props to you for actually drawing this tho. hehe
Drawing Age: -50
I think this was one of the most seirous ones, did it without much hesitation (unlike Xander, who thought I was a virus bot). The first time I've seen a black man look half French in a drawing.
Drawing Age: 16

Cheated. I said paint. Zero points for effort, zero for final product. Now he looks like a cherry ripe with the chocolate sucked off.
Drawing Age: ???
After receiving these, I drew the conclusion.. that I like chicken flavoured twisties, and that maccas nuggets are worth every cent.
kthxsigh (10q jc for your valuable input)
LMFAO! oh man that was funny and fun to draw =p
mention the fact that i drew mine without a mouse on a laptop!!
lenny is a cheat
xander's is the best probably
and gordon...
if one day they invented a machine to see what goes on in gordon's head
i think everyone will be really really surprised.
oh and how come you didnt do one?
I didn't draw one cos i didn't really think of drawing one at the time.. but now that you mention it.. its too late.. lol
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