Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I Won't Wait for Something Else

Meditation is defined as a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the reflexive, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Secular meditation promotes physical and mental well being. That's a truckload of relaxation and a tad overdose of peace-juice.

Last night I undertook (well tried to) a meditation session. Not any fancy one, I just downloaded some podcast, that was aptly named "The Meditation Podcast". There were 12 or so episodes/topics of meditation to choose from. Previously I had already listened to "Releasing Fear" and "Addiction". I'm not even sure if they worked, although I doubt I would be lying in a bed of bugs anytime soon. I decided I would give another one a go, and so I proceeded to download "Positive Thinking". It sounded general enough to apply to my life.

First mistake I did (and did when listening to the previous ones) was listening to these in bed, right before I decide to go to sleep. I guess if you don't plan on falling asleep to these hippy tapes, then listen to these when you're on a bed of nails.

Anyway, I pressed play on my iPod and immediately I hear the soothing voice of a dude who tells me to download more of their podcasts. Um okay. Get to the freakin' point already. 3 minutes of advertising later.. I'm told to "let everything go, and relax". I'm told this about 5 times in 5 different ways, so I thought okay, I'm relaxed. I just felt a sensation of euphoria as he continued to blabber on. There was birds singing in the background to his voice.

At random times, he would pause for about a minute and I would just hear the birds singing. By this point ... lets do some maths, birds singing + eyes closed + lying in bed = recipe for fail. I dozed off to SleepCity (Sleep City here we comeeeee).

If there's one thing I've learnt, its that I don't think I will ever be awake or free enough to be able to sit through the whole 20 minutes.

The only way I'm relaxed is with You.
