Random Cards to Random People.
So today I met up with Jelli to do some Christmas shopping. We went into Top Bargain and bought some cheap Christmas cards (and also a bow/headband for herself haha) because I think it looks greaat.
Anyway we had more cards than we needed, so what better way to get rid of the excess, than to cheer up a couple people for Christmas with it. We both wrote one, each for different opportunities. I wrote mine addressed to whoever picked it up and left it behind an Assassins Creed II box in EB Games. I wrote that it was from Tom Riddle.
After that (and some more shopping), we walked to Oporto’s and sat inside talking. She asked for wet hand towels, and the then-friendly cashier, Nikki, handed her two. She needed the towels to clean out the mess she had in her bag - and by mess, I mean the melted fizzer that made everything sticky. ;)
She needed more and didn’t want to ask, so I asked and Nikki for more, who mentions that she just gave my friend some and was reluctant to give out more, but I gave the excuse that I needed it for myself. She felt hesitant about giving too many away (because we only ordered drinks) and so we sort of felt bad.
This was Jelli’s opportunity for her card giveaway, so she addressed hers to Nikki. We apologised for the hand towels, but thanked her for them, and her service and told her to keep smiling in life.
We left that card on the table we were sitting at and walked out of there whilst she had her back turned to us.
This reminds me of the random postcards people slide into Post Secrets books.
It felt good. MLIA.
Aw what a wonderful idea and such a kind gesture. If this was a Facebook status I'd "like" it.
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