Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The situation:
You've just got off the bus and you are on your way to meet up with someone, or even catch the train to reach that end of the rainbow. Everything's riding on your shoulders, you're making great time to beat the meet-up time, the winds in your hair, and you feel like nothing can stop you now. Nothing... until... your pace breaks. What was once a steady stride to your goal has now been turned into a turtle-paced lead boot marathon, caused by none other than the completely ignorant slow walker. Oh how quickly my disrespect-o-meter rises when I'm behind them.

I don't get these callous characters. They're either individuals, or they walk in packs. Packs that can't be avoided. Walking at their own pace with no respect for the appropriately speeded walker behind them. hahaha. I understand if they're walking with someone, but alone, they're nothing more than a walkway hog. The escalator rule should apply to the walkway lol.

