Kids and their Curiosity.
14 days till Hawaii/California.
Forgot what day it was now, but went 'shopping' with Lenny and Shirley the other day last week, and during this time while Lenny and I were sitting down waiting for Shirley to come back, a random kid (from NZ) came up to us and kept eyeballing the glowstick necklace we won from Galaxy World. He literally was standing 1m in front of us and just staring at it. We exchange our greetings and told him if he wanted it, he had to ask his dad first, so he did, and grabbed it from us.
Later when Shirley came back, she ate some of her Starburst lollies in its bright yellow packaging, and the kid comes back and asks "What's that yellow thing?" (pointing to the Starburst packet). We told him it was lollies and, at the expense of sounding like pedo's, asked if he wanted some. His dad immediately said no, because he was coming off a bit greedy. We then hurried off... :\
Last Friday we also managed to drag Gloria all the way out to the west, Jasmine's house to be exact, and go bike riding with us. LOL. Quite a bad experience for her I guess, because it was blistering hot, and on the way back from the shops her bike chain came out of its place and Lenny and I were too far ahead to notice her little mishap. Lucky Jasmine was there to walk with her back.
Prior to that, Jasmine made some carbonara which was tasty so thanks!

Only thing missing is ET.
Christian, Jeaneline and Lenny came over last Sunday just out of boredom. Since it was promised a while ago, Jeaneline baked a cake and brought it over. We played Wii (which was hilarious) and Xbox, and a bit of basketball, and also took Brownie for a walk to the nearby park.

The cake is NOT a lie.

Headbands? On a guy dog? Really?
That was also tasty. Lenny also ate some of Brownie's Schmacko's as seen below:
Caught up with the Jellz0r yesterday. Sang K for a couple hours, managed to get scores of 100 even when we weren't singing some of the verses to some songs. Then just walked around. Went to Market City and sat at the food court so I could get my 'souvenir' from China. Man, was I in for a surprise or what.

But yeah, thanks for that. lol. I walked around the Market City food court wearing them and got some weird looks thrown my way, but oh well. All for kicks.
PS. Joobs get well soon. Pleasekthx.