... and a million different people

... and in the second, third and fourth hour.

... and in the second, third and fourth hour.
Ok so new banner. Completely different style from what I usually do but OH WELL.
Work began last week, can't say I enjoy it, but it pays for stuff. Hopefully a lot of stuff. Still in need of a freakin' car. Getting chauffered around by friends probably is ok, but having to rely on other people, say like parents or siblings to pick you up before whatever time they deem appropriate for themselves clearly isn't what I'd hope to be doing at times when I just wanna be out. Which is why I ask the question of why there has to be so many things to save up for?
But anyway since work has slightly ruled out any chances of doing anything during the day, it sucks, except for those nocturnal insomniacs who keep me company at night.
Its less than 2 weeks till Christmas, it hasn't really hit me, but I'm looking forward to it. That, new years, and Americaaaaaaa. In saying that, its occured to me that in all my life that I've lived here in Sydney, I don't ever recall seeing the fireworks in the city.. EVER. I've always been elsewhere at a party or whatever.
Bring on '09?
Oh, and happy bday Ijhay!
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