Currently listening to:
The Block
Yes. Please.
Programming Nerds.
What we hoped to become. What we failed to become.
But it was a fun while it lasted, seeing the same people in the same room all frustrated over the same thing. It was 1.5 weeks of ambivalence and distraction.
It was the same week Lenny, Jasmine and I all decided to start bringing noodles to uni. Question for all the geniuses out there:
If you have hot water, what would be the safest option to put it in?
A. A foam noodle cup, thats made for hot water to be poured into.
B. A thin plastic package meant for... well not hot water, obviously.
Or C. The tower humper.

Correct Answer:
ALenny decides to bring both
A and
B (and decides to do
C while he's at it). How to solve the hot water problem: Take out a dirty, used bowl from the trash, wash it and eat from that. MM tasty, soy sauce-less, flavourless noodles.
Early mornings with
Jasmine have been exciting, I guess. :) Arriving at
Blacktown early to stock up on supplies to last the day sort of became the routine. Waiting at the station also led to the
assbolt. Which
Jasmine likes to sit on. Comfortably. HAHA. I much enjoyed the MP3 train trips listening to thought-provoking songs. :)
Word Challenge Nerds.Arriving at uni became
less productive than staying at home, and there's only one thing to blame:
Word Challenge. If I wasn't playing 20 questions with
Jasmine, we'd be at it playing Word Challenge whilst waiting for
Lenny. To add fuel to the fire of procrastination, it became our regular escape from programming, even with
Lenny and everyone else there.
During one of the nights, it was
Jason and
myself all doing programming. Putting Word Challenge aside,
Ivan decided to do the
PhoneTracer trick to
Jason. One of the funniest moments in this programming period. Oblivious to what was about to happen,
Jason waits, then suddenly the image/video pops up. LOL It wasn't the typical
in-your-face type of scare, but just imagine that.. with a bit more exposure. A little
TOO much exposure. Hilarious stuff.
Don't worry. We'll be quiet.Getting 25% of the assignment done was only just a slice of the cake. We were cheering, unaware of the amount of crap we still had remaining. Nonetheless, we soldiered on, long hours spent in classrooms, even with other classes using the classroom.
Jasmine and
I had stayed in a classroom with another class,
quietly working on our assignment so we don't disturb them.
Lenny then comes into the classroom, tutor again, reminds us to
stay quiet.
Tutor: Could you guys please be quiet while you're in here?
Us: Its okay. We'll be quiet, we'll be quiet.
Lennys Phone: RINGRINGRINGRING *guitar solo* (btw thanks
Tim! Perfect timing)
Us: omg... ok we'll leave.
Come the next week, we've made progress in the assignment, but the due date was drawing near, and there was still much to be done. Walking to Uni one morning, I realised I had forgotten to bring noodles, so
Jasmine and
I stop by the closest convenience store. I purchase my chicken and corn noodles and
Jasmine the hobbit decides to take it from me and run off. I catch her, and there we are in the middle of the walkway fighting over a $1.50 cup of noodles, which I offered to buy another one for her. Karma being on my side, smites
JC and causes her to slip and almost stack it, with her gripless shoes.
HAHA. If I had let go of the noodles then... You would've more than just hated me then
JC. lol.
Model and the gangster. Hmm?
Completion, Birthdays, and Celebration.In celebration of
Lenny's bday anniversary, which happens every Wednesday, and to coincide with the completion of the programming assignment, this week
Jasmine and
I decided to get him an expensive lolly from..
a shop we cannot name. Pictures will explain the day for now. (scroll through)
Happy Bday mate. Enjoy the candy we specifically picked out for you.


Lenny obviously hard at work on programming....

.... guess not.

Sneaking around.

Umm, dunno what's going on here, buts it looks pretty homo.


What we get up to in our spare time...


Hacky Sack? or are we dancing?

Lenny contemplating how to go about consuming his birthday dish. (Thanks btw)


The Jap place at Market City.

Action shot! Ping pong after programming!

Hiding your true skills...kthxbye