Tide is High!
Moment/Quote of the Week:
Moment when Gordon thought it was Negrophilia, rather than hearing necrophilia.
What I hate most about not blogging for a while is the little details you miss out on when you actually try to blog about it. Not to mention how untrustworthy my memory is.
Lets see..
Wednesday, 8th October
Tim's bday performance.
Got to uni around 12.30ish with Lenny, met up with the other guys then headed off to the alumni green for Tim. The day consisted of Tim playing (also in front of randoms that Ivan and I rounded up, ok more like 1 random), Tim shouting us ice cream cake :) Then heading to the VIP lounge to eat some $8 steaks. One memorable moment was on the way to the lounge, Tim voluntarily and unhesitatingly told us to cross the road when it was still green, informing us "do whatever you want, its my birthday", so we did, oblivious to the lights, we crossed and a van came beeping at us madly, speeding up (hoping to hit us? Who knows) then narrowly avoiding us. Yay.
After the steaks we headed back to the alumni green for some hacky sack then headed off to programming.

Tim + UTS
Tim + Invitee's
Poseur Tim lying on the ground under his own will.
Other direction
One paper towel... two... three.. four ............. fifteen!
VIP Lounge. $8 steaks! Which I didn't even finish. YAY.
Thursday, 9th October
Hung out with Lenny, Jeaneline and I on the last week of her holidays. The day started off with me heading to Jasmine's house in the morning to give/teach her some stuff, then watching a bit of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. That was fun because LOTR owns. :)
Drove back home, then Lenny picked me up, then we picked up Jeaneline, then headed to Pancakes at Northmead.
Afterwards, we went to some lake at Bella Vista. Fun times walking around the lake taking luvo's, seeing yobbo's jump into the murky lake, seeing ducks, attempting to "borrow" the wheelbarrow, then sitting on a hill for 2 hours just staring at the sky, until eventually heading back to the carpark to play some hackysack and talk. :)

Jeaneline + Me, looking black.
Lenny and the 3 shakes, including Lenny's disgusting lime flavour.
What a poser..
Blank expression + Model stance + normal
Us being hobo's..
Pushing Jeaneline around in a trolly..
Then being hobo's again with a piece of cardboard and a stick. DAYN-JER-US.
The day ended with us driving around for a bit, driving to Lenny's mates house who wasn't home, then since we had no where else in mind to go, we all headed back home.
Saturday, 11th October
Went to Castle Hill Library to go study with Nicole, because she obviously had HSC, and I had 3 exams on the following Monday. Actually got some study done for the first couple hours before heading into Towers for some lunch. We saw some of the girls in the Miss Universe prelims - they weren't that hot, so we moved on. Caught up with each other, then headed back into the library. Nicole had to activate her new optus number so she rung up the number on the instructions.
What was supposed to be an informative conversation about activating the SIM, turned into a 'gossip'/'small talk' convo between the Indian guy and her. HAHA. Both our faces were as confused as ducks on a playswing. But it was hilarious because it went for about 20 minutes.
Wednesday, 15th October
Eagle Eye!
We had already spent a while in the labs doing nothing, so, I forgot who actually suggested it, but whoever it was suggested to watch Eagle Eye. I already knew the stuff presented in the programming lecture, so off Gloria, Jasmine, Lenny and I went to Broadway to watch Eagle Eye.
It was definitely worth it. The movie was great, and the voice of ARIA was done flawlessly to capture that slightly robotic, and psychotic tone. Movie rating: 8 fruit tingles out of 10.
Coming out of the movie, we were all quoting ARIA, then on the way back to UTS, we got in the elevator and none of us were aware we had those ones that told us what level we were on, so when we reached the second level, out of nowhere we all heard a "You are now on Level 2" in that SAME (well similar) voice as the one from Eagle Eye. Jasmine and Gloria freaked. It was hilarious. xD
Friday, 17th October
The supposed day of Programmng.
Well not really, we went to go buy a frisbee, which eventually broke thanks to me throwing it over the fence and it smashing onto concrete. Oh well, it performed even better after that. After we got bored of that, we played a game of touch footy with the tennis ball. Man, did it get hot or what. Sweaty everything. But it was a good laugh for what we did. We went into the labs to do some programming. It was the first week I never got it marked, it was too hard! Damnit. But oh well, after that, we headed to the lockers outside the IT lounge for some random stuff. Then some other random stuff happened. And we also got free sandwiches and drinks. :D
Saturday, 18th October
Went with Billy, Justin, Ricky, and Ivan for some drinks and clubbing. Went to Maloneys, bumped into Jeff and Jelli there! Hurray, because I haven't seen 'em in ages now. Started off with long island ice tea. Oh man, and the best part is, we got (well Ivan ordered it, I dunno what he did) FOUR of them for $2.40. 60c each! DEAL. Anyway, after that headed to the Pavilion then to St James.
Tuesday, 21st October
"We're not leaving until we get 20" (with the hacky sack)
*40 minutes later*
Cheering + Cartwheels
New goal: Getting 30.
Wednesday, 21st October
"We're not leaving until we get 30"
*couple minutes later*
New goal: Getting 40.
Great night out.
Awesome week. Awesometime.
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